My grandson works for hours with a tutor and yet he doesn’t always finish his homework. His grades have improved, but his efficiency is still lacking. He writes in his planner, but often can’t...
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High school is a time of learning, making friends, and becoming more independent. Teenagers will, ideally and ultimately, become productive adults living lives of fulfillment, independence, and...
Holidays are many and occur frequently throughout the year. As I write this, we are in the midst of the longest holiday season – the one lasting from Christmas through New Year’s Day.[1] It’s a...
The Holidays: A Guide for ADHD Holidays! Fun Days. Right? Do-Whatever-We-Want-Days! What could be bad about that? That’s how my grandson (and other students) see the upcoming holidays....
This post is a little different from the others because I would like to delve into an ADHD side issue just a little. With the advent of “sketch noting” and “differentiation,” so-called...
There are no two ways about it. Taking notes is hard. It’s even more difficult when you have ADHD. I recently had a conversation with my Grandson on taking notes. Here’s how it went. Me:...